Location Choice Model, Sorting, and Counterfactual Estimation


Consider the following location choice model.

$$ V_{ij} = x_j'A + z_i'Bx_j + \xi_j + \epsilon_{ij} = u_{ij} + \epsilon_{ij} $$



Our goal is to use this data to estimate A and B.

Estimation Procedure

One of the difficulties of estimating all of the parameters directly by maximum-likelihood is the presence of $J$ nuisance parameters in $\xi_j$. We consider a two-step procedure described in the BFM paper where $B$ can be estimated in the first step, without having to estimate $A$ or $\xi_j$, and $A$ is estimated in the second step.

The indirect utility is written as

$$ V_{ij} = \underbrace{z_i'Bx_j}_{\lambda_{ij}} + \underbrace{x_j'A + \xi_j}_{\delta_j} + \epsilon_{ij} $$

Step 1: Estimate parameter $B$

We estimated $\lambda_{ij} := z_i'Bx_j$ and the fixed effect $\delta_j = x_j'A + \xi_j$ using MLE.

$$P_{ih} = \frac{\exp(\lambda_{ih}+\delta_h)}{\sum_{j=1}^J \exp(\lambda_{ij}+\delta_j)}$$

The code for the first step is provided bellow:

Step 2: Estimate Parameter $A$ Using Instrumental Variable Approach

Once we obtained the $\delta_j$'s, we can estimate the remaining parameters, i.e., $A$: $$ \delta_j = x_j'A + \xi_j $$

Additional Exercise 1: Plot the Sorting Behavior

Compute estimates of $\xi_j$ for each j and create a scatter plot between $\xi_j$ and $p_j$ (price).

Additional Exercise 2: Counterfactual Prices

Now suppose that the coefficient on school quality in A doubles, while the coefficient associated with log-income and school quality increases by $1.5$